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+44 07724289034
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Last Modified: 2021-02-01

Alissa escort a London

A short tryst? Or tasting menus and travel? Conversation? True Intimacy? Sensuality? Kinky Exploration? Adventure? Whatever experience you are seeking, you have found the woman who is the perfect fit. Sensual, well-educated, open-minded, graceful and entirely personable, I am the perfect part-time girlfriend and discreet companion for the discerning gentleman who is looking for a euphoric experience beyond the norm. With long legs and smouldering eyes, I am slim and toned and blessed with silky soft skin and an all-natural hourglass figure. It is always my goal to put my winning charm to work and have you feeling entirely at ease and likely spellbound from the moment we meet. I would love the chance to seduce you, to tailor a bespoke unforgettable experience to suit your every need, and I really do mean *every* need. Please visit my website to find out even more about me and to arrange a date. Screening and deposit required for all new friends. Until I’m yours, Alissa
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